Business Networking Headquarters. . .
Business and personal networking is the #1 contact sport for people on the move.
Networking is about building supportive personal and business relationships; it's consistently meeting new
people and making new friends, sharing ideas and having lots of fun in the process.
It is the reciprocal process of exchanging, leads, recommendations, and other valuable information, through
networks of established relationships, in an effort to make business processes easier and more profitable.
It helps to establish referral networks, bolster name reputations and business branding, gain recognition and credibility,
and strengthen relationship assets. Networking fuels business growth and can help further your career.
It assists you in benefiting from who you know by leveraging your relationships to increase business
opportunities, advance your career, make new contacts, and much more.
Power networkers effectively use "word-of-mouth" strategies in creative ways to attract new customers
and meet new people. Word-of-mouth marketing works because it is initiated from trusted
sources and shared through a network of friends, family and acquaintances. It's also called "creating Buzz."
Referrals and recommendations are the most effective and the least expensive form of developing new
business and obtaining business leads. This site will help you master the skills necessary to effectively
utilize existing connections and cultivate new ones.
Having a clear understanding of the definition of networking is a prerequisite for networking success.
What you put out to the universe, always comes back to you!
Networking is. . .
using your creative talents to help others achieve their goals as you cultivate a
network of people strategically positioned to support you in your goals. . .
expecting nothing in return! - Larry James
Larry James began his speaking career in 1987 speaking about networking! He's been called, "The Networking
Guru." Here he shares his networking secrets shamelessly in articles, books, and personal coaching along with other networking experts.
You cannot get lost on this Website. The site map and the links at the top and bottom of each page provides
for easy navagation. Have fun learning the important ingredients for successful networking. Tell your Friends!